WHITNEY & CLINTON | I belong to You | Gold Coast Couple Photographer

There is something so intimate about a sunset shoot. Something I enjoy about it more than just great golden romantic lighting. Something deeper even than a perfect shot. It's the way the sun sets. I can't describe it, and I'll try.

It's like every sunset is different. Of course, every sunset is different, but I mean - it's like the sunset was made for the couple I am shooting. Each time, it's as if the sunset painted itself just for them - to reflect them, to enhance them. A representation of two people in love, a sky and a sun, dancing together and together somehow at perfect times they make the most beautiful colours. The most incredible light is cast on everything when the sun sets, just as the most incredible light is cast on everything when you are in the presence of a couple who are truly, deeply, soulfully in love. 

Sometimes the sunsets are bold, passionate, stark - and the couple I'm with are also so bold, so full of life, so captivating together. 

Sometimes the sunsets are barely there - a faint whisper of a colour and a light, softly diffusing the world in a shade of purple in it's last afterglow efforts. And it's the couple I'm with who glow, and continue to glow long after the sun sets. 

Sometimes, like this time, the sunset is soft, tender. Gentle, somehow. It's as if this sunset was mimicking Clinton's every caress as his fingers would lace through Whitney's hair, or stroke lovingly past her cheek. It's as if this sunset was reflecting every soft kiss, every soft word as Whitney delicately and softly kissed her beloved. 

It's as if this sunset was the pure personification of this one, particular couple. Like this sunset was written by them, for them.

Emmy xx


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